Magickal Herb Attributes

CALAMUS: Acorus calamus.
Feminine, Moon/Venus, Water/Earth.
AKA: Sweet Flag.
Origin: Indigenous to India, northern U.S.A. and Europe, but rare in Scotland and Spain.
Part Used: Root, essential oil.
Uses: To strengthen and bind spells, commanding, healing, love, lust, peace, protection (from poverty).
Other Uses: Strewing herb. Used as a fixative. Mentioned often in the Old Testament as an incense herb. CAUTION: Toxic.
CALENDULA: Calendula officinalis.
Masculine, Sun, Fire.
AKA: Marigold.
Origin: Native of southern Europe and Egypt.
Part Used: Flower.
Uses: Clairvoyance, commanding, divination, happiness, love, luck, prophetic dreams, legal matters, prosperity, protection, psychic, renewal, sleep, success, visions.
Other: To make faeries visible. Protects and blesses the departed soul. This flower was highly valued by the ancient Egyptians, Persians, Greeks and Hindus.
Sabbat: Beltane, Mabon, Lughnassadh.
CAMPHOR: Cinnamomum camphora.
Feminine, Moon, Water.
Origin: Evergreen tree from China, Japan, eastern Asia, Borneo, and Sumatra. Now grown in sub-tropical countries - India, Egypt.
Part Used: Crystaline gum, essential oil, sometimes wood.
Uses: Chastity, divination, endings, health, psychic, purification, release, to break off an affair.
Other: Lunar incenses. CAUTION: In large doses it is a dangerous excitant. Use only the natural; the synthetic is highly toxic.
CARDAMOM: Elettario cardamomum.
Feminine, Venus, Water/Earth.
Origin: Large perennial herb of S. India and tropical Asia. Other species can be found in China.
Part Used: Seeds, essential oil.
Uses: Fertility, happiness, love, luck, lust.
Other: Gives energy to love mixtures. Blends well in most incenses.
CARNATION: Dianthus species.
Masculine, Sun, Fire.
AKA: Gilliflower, Pink, Clove, Cottage or Cheddar Pink.
Part Used: Flower, essential oil.
Uses: Allurement, annointing, blessing, consecration, energy, fidelity, feminity, gentle love, healing, power, protection (all-purpose), strength.
Other: Used to restore energy after healing rites.
CASSIA: Cinnamonum cassia.
Mercury, Air.
Origin: Evergreen tree native to China, Sumatra, Japan, India, Mexico and S. America.
Part Used: Bark, essential oil.
Uses: Consecration, divination, happiness, knowledge, love, luck, lust, meditation, peace, prosperity, protection, psychic dreams, wisdom.
Other: Considered an inferior substitute for cinnamon.
CASTOR: Ricinus communis.
Origin: Annual herb found in temperate climates. Tree native of India.
Part Used: Beans, oil.
Uses: Protection.
Other: CAUTION: POISONOUS! The beans are toxic, but the oil is safe.
CATNIP: Nepeta cataria.
Feminine, Venus, Water/Air.
Origin: A wild English plant, rare in Ireland. Found in Europe, temperate Asia, later naturalized in North America.
Part Used: Leaves and blossoms.
Uses: Animals, binding, cat magick, commanding, dreams, happiness, healing, love (with Rose), luck, peace, playfulness, quick action, sleep.
Other: A Druid sacred herb. Chewed by warriors for fierceness in battle. Sacred to Bastet.
CAYENNE: Capsicum annum.
AKA: Guinea Pepper.
Origin: Native to Asia, Africa and S. America. Brought to England in mid 1500's.
Part Used: Seeds
Uses: To banish unwanted guests, to make things happen.
Other: Add sparingly to incenses.
CEDAR: Juniperus virginiana (American), Cedrus atlantic (Moroccan), Thuja occidentalis.
Masculine, Sun./Jupiter, Fire.
AKA: Oil of Unicorn.
Origin: Many species of Cedar. Juniperus is not truly a cedar, but has been used much the same way. Cedrus species are found in Algeria, N. America, Mexico, Central America. Thuja species is found in N. Africa, northeastern N. America, Japan and China.
Part Used: Wood, essential oil.
Uses: Banishment, clairvoyance, confidence, consecration, divination, exorcism, happiness, healing, hex-breaking, justice, longevity, love, luck, peace, prosperity, protection, psychic power, purification, release, spirituality, strength, success.
Other: Majesty, grandeur. Native American herb. Was Egyptian mummification ingredient and building material. Sawdust in incense gives a tangy, resinous aroma. Oil used to consecrate wands and to invoke Odin. CAUTION: Oil of Thuja species is toxic.
Sabbat: Yule.
CHAMOMILE: Anthemis nobilis (Roman), Matricaria recutita (German).
Masculine, Sun, Water/Fire.
Origins: Spread over Europe, N. Africa and temperate regions of Asia. Naturalized in U.S. from Europe.
Part Used: Leaves, flowers, essential oil.
Uses: Banish nightmares, beauty, determination, dreams, gentleness, happiness, healing, justice, love, luck, meditation, modesty, peace, prosperity, protection, purification, sleep.
Other: Roman Chamomile was used by ancient Egyptians and Moors and was one of the Saxon's 9 Sacred herbs. Solar incenses.
Sabbat: Midsummer, Yule.
CHERRY: Prunus serotina, Prunus avium.
Feminine, Venus, Water/Air.
Origin: Probably native to N. America.
Part Used: Wood, Bark.
Uses: Creativity, divination, fertility, happiness, idealism, love, prosperity.
Other: A Druid sacred tree. Wood was burned at Celtic festivals. Wood of the Chokecherry (P. virgiana) was burned in needfires. Juice can be used as a substitute for blood in rituals.
CINNAMON: Cinnamomum zeylanicum.
Masculine, Sun/Mercury, Fire/Air.
Origin: A tropical evergreen tree native to Ceylon; also grows in India, Jamaica and Brazil.
Part Used: Bark, essential oil.
Uses: Astral projection, business success, clairvoyance, consecration, concentration (with Sandalwood), creativity, divination, fast luck, happiness, healing, inspiration, invocation, justice, knowledge, love, luck, lust, meditation, aids memory, mental, peace, power, prosperity, protection, psychic, spirituality, success, wisdom.
Other: Egyptian embalming and annointing oil. Raises vibrations. Use to increase the power of your spells. Used as a room blessing.
Sabbat: Imbolc.
CINQUEFOIL: Potentilla reptans, P. anserina.
Masculine, Jupiter/Mercury, Fire/Earth.
AKA: Five-finger grass.
Origin: Common to U.S. and Europe.
Part Used: Leaves, flowers.
Uses: Annointing, banishing , clairvoyance, divination, exorcism, healing, hex-breaking, inspiration, justice, knowledge, love, luck, offertory, prophetic dreams, prosperity, protection, purification, wisdom.
Other: Used in flying potions. Frogs.
Sabbat: Ostara, Midsummer, Beltane.
CITRONELLA: Cymbopogon schoenantus. C. nardus..
Origin: Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Africa, Argentina, Central America.
Part Used: Leaves, essential oil.
Uses: To confer eloquence, exorcism, peace, protection, un-hex.
CLARY SAGE: Salvia sclarea.
Mercury, Earth.
Origin: Native to Syria, Italy, France and Switzerland. Introduced to Britain in mid 1500's.
Part Used: Leaves, essential oil.
Uses: Clairvoyance, consecration, creativity, divination, happiness, knowledge, love, meditation, peace, prosperity, protection, psychic, to keep secrets, visionary, wisdom.
Other: Used as a fixative in incenses and potpourris.
CLOVE: Syzygium aromaticum, Caryophyllus aromaticus, Eugenia caryophyllata, take your
Masculine, Jupiter/Sun, Fire.
Origin: Small evergreen tree from south Philippines, later East and West Indies, and Brazil. Best comes from Molucca. Cultivated for over 2000 years.
Part Used: Buds, essential oil.
Uses: Astral visions, banishment, clairvoyance, courage, divination, exorcism, to stop gossip, healing, hex-breaking, inspiration, love, lust, memory, peace, prosperity, protection, psychic, purification, spirituality, wisdom.
Other: Acts as fixative when combined with Orris. Used to insure magickal intention is realized.
CLOVER: Trifolium pratense (Red), T. repens (White), and other species.
Masculine, Mercury/Venus, Air/Earth.
Origin: It is believed true clover originated in southeast Europe and southwest Asia, with many indigenous to North America. Over 250 species - widespread.
Part Used: Leaves, flowers.
Uses: Animals, exorcism, fidelity, to stop gossip, love, prosperity, protection, strength, success.
Other: Allegedly dissolves Faery spells, and also helps one to see Faeries and various other spirits. It is associated with the Triple Goddess of Greeks and Romans, and with the sacred wheel of the Celts.
Sabbat: Beltane.
COLTSFOOT: Tussilago farfara.
Feminine, Venus, Water/Earth.
Origin: Naturalized in U. S. from Europe, Siberia and E. Indies, N. Africa.
Part Used: Leaves, flower.
Uses: Hooved animals, love, peace, visions.
Sabbat: Imbolc.
COPAL: Copalli, Bursera species.
Masculine, Jupiter/Sun, Fire.
Origin: Native to Mexico. Also grown in India, Madagascar, Mozambique and Zanzibar.
Part Used: Resin.
Uses: Consecration, contact with other planes, exorcism, hex-breaking, love, meditation, purification, protection, spirituality.
Other: Calls upon the Horned God in his Pan or Cernunnos aspect. Used in Native American incenses. Used to purify stones and crystals.
CORIANDER: Coriandrum sativum.
Masculine, Mars, Fire.
Origin: Native to southern Europe and western Asia. Also found in Britain.
Part Used: Seeds, essence.
Uses: Animal healing, clarivoyance, divination, fertility, healing, love, lust, newlyweds, prosperity, protection, to keep secrets.
CUMIN: Cumimum cyminum.
Masculine, Mars, Fire.
Origin: Indigenous to upper Egypt, but from very early times it was cultivated in Arabia, India, China, Mediterranean regions and Russia.
Part Used: Seeds, essential oil.
Uses: Anti-theft, fidelity, love, lust, peace of mind, protection (with Frankincense).
CYPRESS: Cypressus sempervirens.
Feminine, Saturn, Earth.
Origin: Best known species is native to Mediterranean area - believed to be the "gopher" wood referred to in the Bible. Over 20 species found in Asia, Africa, N. America and Mediterranean. Very large evergreen trees to small shrubs.
Part Used: Leaves, fruit, wood, essential oil.
Uses: Banishing, binding, blessings, consecration, death, happiness, healing, inspiration, longevity, peace, protection, wisdom, wishes.
Other: Helps to organize thoughts. It is a symbol of mourning the dead.
Sabbat: Mabon.

DATURA: Datura stramonium, D. species.
Feminine, Saturn, Water.
AKA: Jimsonweed, Devil's Apple, Ghost Flower.
Origin: Over 15 species found throughout the world.
Part Used: Seeds.
Uses: Hex-breaking, protection, sleep, visions.
Other: Has been used in shamanic and religious rites. Sacred to Aztecs. A Native American herb. Ingredient of Witches' Flying Ointment. CAUTION: Violently poisonous!
DEERSTONGUE: Frasera speciose, Liatris odoratissima (Wild Vanilla), Trilisa odoratissima, Carphephorus odoratissimus.
Masculine, Mars/Venus, Fire/Earth.
Origin: Native to N. America; later cultivated in Britain.
Part Used: Leaves, essential oil.
Uses: Animals, to stop gossip, love, lust, peace, psychic power.
Other: Ingredient in Voodoo incenses. CAUTION: Toxic.
DILL: Anethum graveolens.
Masculine, Mercury, Fire/Earth.
Origin: Native of Mediterranean and southern Russia, Spain, Portugal and Italy. Rarely found growing wild in northern Europe. Other species found in India and Japan.
Part Used: Leaves, seeds.
Uses: Anti-theft, blessings, confidence, determination, dreams, fertility, hex-breaking, love, lust, peace, prosperity, protection, to keep secrets, sleep.
Other: Used during Middle Ages for protection from evil.
DITTANY OF CRETE: Dictamnus origanoides, Origanum dictananus.
Feminine, Venus, Water/Earth.
Part Used: Leaves, essential oil.
Uses: Astral projection, clairvoyance, divination, happiness, manifestations, meditation, psychic.
Other: A base for spirit manifestation. Use with Vanilla, Benzoin and Sandalwood for Astral Travel. Related to Marjoram and can be interchanged with it or Oregano in incenses.
Sabbat: Samhain.
DOCK: Rumex species..
Masculine, Jupiter, Air.
AKA: Yellow Dock, Curly Dock.
Origin: Widespread.
Part Used: Root.
Uses: To attract customers, fertility, justice, luck, prosperity.
DOGWOOD: Cornus florida.
Venus, Air.
Origin: Over 40 species of trees and shrubs native to N. America.
Part Used: Bark, wood.
Uses: Banishing, protection, wishes.
Other: Attracts good energies while repelling bad. Native American herb.
Sabbat: Ostara, Midsummer.
DRAGON'S BLOOD: Dracaena species, Daemonorops draco, Calamus draco.
Masculine, Mars, Fire.
Origin: Very long-lived tree of Sumatra, East Indies, Mexico, South America and China.
Part Used: Resin from fruit, stem.
Uses: Animals, binding, changes, consecration, courage, determination, exorcism, fidelity, honesty, love, luck, potency, power, prosperity, protection, purification, strength.
Other: To bring back loved ones. Use with Cinnamon for prophetic dreams. Also use to add potency to the mixture.

ECHINACEA: Echinacea angustifolia, E. purpura, E. pallida.
Origin: Native to N. America, cultivated in Britain.
Part Used: Root, leaves.
Uses: To strengthen magickal workings, offerings.
Other: Native American herb.
ELDER: Sambucus canadensis, S. nigra.
Feminine, Venus, Water/Air.
Origin: Native shrub of U.S.A., Canada, Britain and Europe, N. Africa.
Part Used: Flowers, wood, leaves, berries.
Uses: Banishment, blessing, clairvoyance, compassion, consecration, cursing, divination, exorcism, healing, hex-breaking, love, luck, prosperity, protection, release, sleep, transformation, wisdom.
Other: Sacred to Mother Goddess. To help receive messages from the dead. A Druid sacred tree. Represents life in death and death in life. Said to offer protection to the Faeries. Burn the berries to invite the Good Folk to a gathering. CAUTION: Considered toxic by some.
Sabbat: Midsummer.
EUCALYPTUS: Eucalyptus globulus and other species.
Feminine, Moon/Saturn, Water/Earth.
Origin: Native to Australia. Now growing in Africa, India and southern Europe.
Part Used: Leaves, essential oil.
Uses: Annointing, consecration, healing, protection, purification, renewal.

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