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April 14, 1999 - Barter Square is now open.
June 3, 1999 - Realm of Wisdom and the Realm of Other are now open and growing.
June 15, 1999 - Our favorite font site, ***Susie's Place*** has been forced to shut down due to a new free program called Third Voice. This program allows for infringement on our copyrights. It was a great site and she will be missed by many.
Aug. 18, 1999 - Common Threads is no more. We've added a link to the Otter's Den in it's place.
Sept. 18, 1999 - We won an award! It's on our Index page for right now.
Sept. 19, 1999 - Moved The Warrior's Page into it's own realm, called *The Realm of the Warrior.*
Nov. 6, 1999 - Added more links to both pages in the Realm of the Warrior.
Dec. 11, 1999 - Added new Realm, the Realm of Tales - where you can share with others the success or failures of your magick making.
Dec. 11, 1999 - Added another new realm - the Realm of Knowledge. Still in the making, it will feature book reviews, and our book store in conjunction with Amazon.com.
Jan. 17, 2000 - Added Live Moon Phase Display to our front page.
Jan. 27, 2000 - We won two more awards! They're on our front page for now.
Apr. 14, 2000 - Realm of Knowledge with book review and message forum is now open.
May 23, 2000 - Loch Lene has been added. A message forum and chat room for learning.
Dec. 27, 2000 - Updated the Moon Phases for the new year of 2001.
May 12, 2001 - We won another award!!! It's on the front page.
July 28, 2001 - Added Bravenet Free-for-All Links to our Realm of Doors.
Sept 7, 2001 - Added a new realm...our Realms of Gifts. This is our awards page.
Sept. 22, 2001 - Added a new realm called the Dark Side of Ambrosia. You'll find the link on our index page.
Dec. 5, 2001 - Added another new realm, this one is Ambrosia's Dark Side free pagan and gothic graphics.
Dec. 5, 2001 - Replaced the Druid's Caverns with something much better....Lia Fail, which has info on the Druid's, as well as poetry and fun stuff.
Apr. 15, 2002 - Combined the Dark Side with the Dark Side graphics page....now it's all in one place.
May 13, 2002 - Added another realm....sorta. I_Magick's Mysteries, an MSN chatroom.
June 24, 2002 - Got our pagan ecards back online.....finally.
September 12, 2002 - Added pagan music mp3 links to our links page.
April 19, 1999 - Correspondences and Sabbat Herbs pages finished and up. Finally!
August 5, 2002 - Added more herbs to the herb list and correspondences.
March 23, 1999 - The Druid's Cavern is now open.
Dec. 5, 2001 - Druid's Cavern officially closed.
April 3, 1999 - added Amethyst background border set.
April 19, 1999 - added 3 new pentacles to symbols page.
April 19, 1999 - added 2 new banners and an animated banner to banners page.
May 3, 1999 - added animated banner to the Golden Red Background Set.
May 5, 1999 - revamped the Pagan Symbols page and added 4 new images.
June 13, 1999 - added new background set - Medieval Lovers Background.
June 15, 1999 - redid the Banners and Bars pages and added lots new stuff.
July 22, 1999 - added whole new section, called All Things Purple - purple graphics, pentacles and backgrounds. All in shades of purple.
April 4, 2000 - added 3 new pages of pagan symbols.
June 21, 2000 - redid the pagan symbols section, added some new gifs, including more stars.
January 7, 2003 - added many new graphics to both the Realm of Graphics, and Ambrosia's Dark Side graphics page.
June 3,1999 - now open, complete with opinion polls.
June 15, 1999 - added 2 new protection rituals to the protection page.
July 14, 1999 - added 2 new pages to the Realm.
July 21, 1999 - added 3 new pages to the Realm.
Aug. 20, 1999 - have new questions for opinion poll and quizlet.
Nov. 5, 1999 - moved opinion poll to the Realm of Other.
Nov. 5, 1999 - added Colors and Candles - color correspondences and candle magick.
Nov. 7, 1999 - added new protection rite.
Dec. 3, 1999 - added anointing oil recipes to recipe page in Colors and Candles.
Jan. 3, 2000 - added Sigil Magick.
Jan. 19, 2000 - added Dates and Times for Moon Phases, Solstices, Equinoxes and Eclipses for this year.
Feb. 2, 2000 - added another protection spell.
June 3, 1999 - now open, nothing there yet, but it's started.
July 21, 1999 - added a *think about it.*
Aug. 23, 1999 - added a wav file by Azurdrake.
Aug. 24, 1999 - added *The Warriors* - a list of links to anti-discrimination sites.
Sept. 19, 1999 - moved *The Warriors* into it's own realm.
Nov. 5, 1999 - moved the Opinion Poll to here.
Dec. 11, 1999 - added a Sounding Board message forum - praise or complaints about Anything, tell all here.
Jan. 3, 2000 - added our very own Pagan E-cards.
Apr. 14, 2000 - Now open, with 13 books reviewed and message forum.
Apr. 28, 2000 - Added page 2 of the review with 13 more books.