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What's New in Ambrosia's Realms

We have decided, that since the Realms of Ambrosia are constantly changing; that perhaps it would be a good idea to have an update page. This way you can tell at a glance what's new and where. We hope this is of help to you in your travels through our realms.


April 14, 1999 - Barter Square is now open.

June 3, 1999 - Realm of Wisdom and the Realm of Other are now open and growing.

June 15, 1999 - Our favorite font site, ***Susie's Place*** has been forced to shut down due to a new free program called Third Voice. This program allows for infringement on our copyrights. It was a great site and she will be missed by many.

Aug. 18, 1999 - Common Threads is no more. We've added a link to the Otter's Den in it's place.

Sept. 18, 1999 - We won an award! It's on our Index page for right now.

Sept. 19, 1999 - Moved The Warrior's Page into it's own realm, called *The Realm of the Warrior.*

Nov. 6, 1999 - Added more links to both pages in the Realm of the Warrior.

Dec. 11, 1999 - Added new Realm, the Realm of Tales - where you can share with others the success or failures of your magick making.

Dec. 11, 1999 - Added another new realm - the Realm of Knowledge. Still in the making, it will feature book reviews, and our book store in conjunction with

Jan. 17, 2000 - Added Live Moon Phase Display to our front page.

Jan. 27, 2000 - We won two more awards! They're on our front page for now.

Apr. 14, 2000 - Realm of Knowledge with book review and message forum is now open.

May 23, 2000 - Loch Lene has been added. A message forum and chat room for learning.

Dec. 27, 2000 - Updated the Moon Phases for the new year of 2001.

May 12, 2001 - We won another award!!! It's on the front page.

July 28, 2001 - Added Bravenet Free-for-All Links to our Realm of Doors.

Sept 7, 2001 - Added a new realm...our Realms of Gifts. This is our awards page.

Sept. 22, 2001 - Added a new realm called the Dark Side of Ambrosia. You'll find the link on our index page.

Dec. 5, 2001 - Added another new realm, this one is Ambrosia's Dark Side free pagan and gothic graphics.

Dec. 5, 2001 - Replaced the Druid's Caverns with something much better....Lia Fail, which has info on the Druid's, as well as poetry and fun stuff.

Apr. 15, 2002 - Combined the Dark Side with the Dark Side graphics it's all in one place.

May 13, 2002 - Added another realm....sorta. I_Magick's Mysteries, an MSN chatroom.

June 24, 2002 - Got our pagan ecards back online.....finally.

September 12, 2002 - Added pagan music mp3 links to our links page.

The Enchanted Gardens

April 19, 1999 - Correspondences and Sabbat Herbs pages finished and up. Finally!

August 5, 2002 - Added more herbs to the herb list and correspondences.

The Druid's Cavern

March 23, 1999 - The Druid's Cavern is now open.

Dec. 5, 2001 - Druid's Cavern officially closed.

The Realm of Graphics
March 22, 1999 - added 2 new background border sets, both wizards.

April 3, 1999 - added Amethyst background border set.

April 19, 1999 - added 3 new pentacles to symbols page.

April 19, 1999 - added 2 new banners and an animated banner to banners page.

May 3, 1999 - added animated banner to the Golden Red Background Set.

May 5, 1999 - revamped the Pagan Symbols page and added 4 new images.

June 13, 1999 - added new background set - Medieval Lovers Background.

June 15, 1999 - redid the Banners and Bars pages and added lots new stuff.

July 22, 1999 - added whole new section, called All Things Purple - purple graphics, pentacles and backgrounds. All in shades of purple.

April 4, 2000 - added 3 new pages of pagan symbols.

June 21, 2000 - redid the pagan symbols section, added some new gifs, including more stars.

January 7, 2003 - added many new graphics to both the Realm of Graphics, and Ambrosia's Dark Side graphics page.

The Realm of Wisdom

June 3,1999 - now open, complete with opinion polls.

June 15, 1999 - added 2 new protection rituals to the protection page.

July 14, 1999 - added 2 new pages to the Realm.

July 21, 1999 - added 3 new pages to the Realm.

Aug. 20, 1999 - have new questions for opinion poll and quizlet.

Nov. 5, 1999 - moved opinion poll to the Realm of Other.

Nov. 5, 1999 - added Colors and Candles - color correspondences and candle magick.

Nov. 7, 1999 - added new protection rite.

Dec. 3, 1999 - added anointing oil recipes to recipe page in Colors and Candles.

Jan. 3, 2000 - added Sigil Magick.

Jan. 19, 2000 - added Dates and Times for Moon Phases, Solstices, Equinoxes and Eclipses for this year.

Feb. 2, 2000 - added another protection spell.

The Realm of Other

June 3, 1999 - now open, nothing there yet, but it's started.

July 21, 1999 - added a *think about it.*

Aug. 23, 1999 - added a wav file by Azurdrake.

Aug. 24, 1999 - added *The Warriors* - a list of links to anti-discrimination sites.

Sept. 19, 1999 - moved *The Warriors* into it's own realm.

Nov. 5, 1999 - moved the Opinion Poll to here.

Dec. 11, 1999 - added a Sounding Board message forum - praise or complaints about Anything, tell all here.

Jan. 3, 2000 - added our very own Pagan E-cards.

Realm of Knowledge

Apr. 14, 2000 - Now open, with 13 books reviewed and message forum.

Apr. 28, 2000 - Added page 2 of the review with 13 more books.

Ambrosia's Home PageTo get back to the Realm you came here from, just go back to Ambrosia's Home page. Or you could hit your back button, if you'd rather.

If there is anything you would like to see added to our site, please feel free to email us. Any criticisms or praise, please let us know. Of course, we all like praise; but the criticisms are necessary if we're going to improve our site.

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