Welcome to the

Enchanted Gardens

Welcome to the Enchanted Gardens of the Covenant of the Blue Rose

Garden: Any place where humankind and the world of nature combine in partnership.

Here be the Enchanted Gardens of Ambrosia.

I am Emer and I bid you warmest welcome.

Have you ever walked through a place in nature and just listened to the beings of the Green World? They have much to say; words of wisdom from beings far older and wiser than we. Listen.... The words come through the softness of a rose or the sparkle of dew on a leaf; through the brilliance of the sun on a petal or the rustle of the wind. Listen to their voices; the gentle tugs at the edges of your mind; the thoughts that come to you as a knowing.

Enter my realm with an open mind and an open heart. The Green World is anxious to teach you it's secrets.

magickal herbs correspondences incense
empowerment sabbat herbs references and where to buy herbs
Ambrosia main page links

My garden is continually growing and I will be adding more herbs to my magickal garden, and more information on the magick of herbs from time to time. If there is anything you would like to see here or comments, questions or criticisms; please e-mail me. I will try to answer all.

Brightest Blessings to you all. May you enjoy your journey along my garden path.

e-mail me

Although we offer the graphics in our Realm of graphics freely, the images of the blue rose are copyrighted, and we ask that you please not borrow them from our pages without permission from Ambrosia and the Covenant of the Blue Rose.

I wish to give thanks to the following for the use of their beautiful graphics you see here and on other pages in the Gardens. You may see their banners in our Realm of Doors links page. Please visit their sites.

Firesilk's Free Graphics
Pagan Gif's & Graphics
ClipArt Castle
HairFish Web Graphics

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