
Welcome to Ambrosia's Realms, the website of the Covenant of the Blue Rose.

Welcome to Our Realms of
Wisdom and Wonderment

May you find here what you seek.

We, the Covenant of the Blue Rose bid you warmest welcome. Our Realms are growing and we have many things planned. Return often for a visit.

Our Index

Enchanted Gardens
Magickal Herbs, Incense-making, Correspondences, Empowerment.

Realm of Wisdom
Our Book of Shadows, Protection Rites, Cleansing and more.

Lia Fail
Interesting and beguiling things for fun and entertainment.

Barter Square
---Swap Goods or Knowledge.

Realm of Graphics
Free Pagan Graphics by Emer

Ambrosia's Dark Side
More Free Pagan and Goth Graphics by Emer....
The Heretic's Page

Realm of Doors
Webrings, Pagan Links, Graphics and
PSP Links, and MP3 Music Sites.
Add your link to our Realms

Realm of the Warrior
Our list of Pagan Anti-discrimination sites;
and on Warriors for the Earth is a list
of sites to protect Earth Mother.

Realm of Knowledge
Book Review and Message Forum

Realm of Tales
Tell about your magickal experiences.

Realm of Gifts
Our Awards Page

Realm of Other
Our Miscellaneous Page - Pagan e-cards, a neat java applet,
and you can chart your biorhythms here.

White Willow Stitching
Not officially one of our realms.
Here you can purchase some of Emer's designs
which have been very skillfully made into cross stich patterns.

Please sign our Guestbook
before you go.
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Auction Witch

To email us, just click on the Blue Rose:
Email us

Or you may email our webmistress, Emer here

Although we offer the graphics in our Realm of graphics freely, the images of the blue rose are copyrighted, and we ask that you please not borrow them from our pages without permission from Ambrosia and the Covenant of the Blue Rose.

Our thanks to Dynamic Drive for the cursor trailer scripts found occasionally throughout our site.

Dynamic Drive DHTML code library

©1997-2009 Covenant of the Blue Rose